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       Christians should be the most easy-going people on this little round planet. We have no reason to worry. We have no burden too great to give to God. We have no pressure that we cannot bear. There is no yoke we cannot negotiate through life with. We should be the most carefree people that have ever lived. When we are burdened with some worldly or fleshly nonsense, we have someone greater than us to handle it.  He wants us to make our request known to Him. He is the reason we are carefree and He can handle any care we have. In prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known to God.  (Phil 4:6) Let us take a moment and talk about our wonderful carefree state.
      We have things in the world that burden us. For a country like ours many of us are burdened with great pleasures. Things like what car to get, job to take, and which house is big enough weigh us down.   I know these things should never bother us. However, we let them. Things that are more serious pose a greater challenge to living a carefree life. The cares of this life are specifically mentioned in Mark 4:18-19. We must be careful not to allow these cares to destroy us. Jesus even rebuked Martha for being overcome with worldly concerns and troubles. (Lk. 10:38-42) It is a sin to be so consumed by such burdens you turn from God. We have been freed from such nonsense. Enjoy the freedom you have.
     The Psalmist made it clear. We can passionately agree with him. The Psalmist said he has no cares because the Lord is His shepherd. (Psalms 23) That is such a mighty concept for us to hold on to in our walk with Christ.  We know in whom we believe. We know that He is our shepherd. We know He will take care of us. (Matt. 6:30,33) Let us live and work free from all cares because of this fact. (2 Tim. 1:12) If one does sneak past your strong faith simply cast it upon God. (1 Pet. 5:7) Let Him handle the care that might be putting a chink in your armor. 
      On the other hand, we are to care for the things of God. We must care for one another. (1 Cor. 12:25-26) We should care for all the churches, the whole body. (2 Cor. 11:28) We should be concerned with maintaining good works. (Titus 3:8) We must make sure and care that our deeds are not done to be seen of men. (Matt. 6:1) You see we may be easy-going but we are not careless. Make sure to maintain that balance. Be carefree of this world but not careless with your faith. We must always care about the things of God.
     As much as we seek to be easy-going life creeps in. I have seen the most cheerful laid back person get up in arms or down in the dumps over worldly things. It will happen to all of us at some point. Do not let it overcome you.  We know where that path will end up. Jesus says we should pray and not loose heart when these times arise. (Lk. 18:1) The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)  James is speaking to you and me. Hold on to the Lord. He is the answer to all your concerns.
     We have no reason to ever be burned by the world. We belong to the Creator. He is our shepherd. He has freed us and takes good care of us. He has given us the cares we should have. He can rescue us before the care of the world leads us astray. Lean on God. Be the easy-going Christian God asks you to be.                                                                  


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