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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Hope Of The Adopted

We have a wonderful hope as children in the spiritual house we live in. As adopted children of God we are heirs. We are heirs with Christ. We have an eternal home. We have a place with God for eternity. Let us not forget the wonderful hope of eternal life in Heaven.  (Rm. 8:16-17)

I Need It

All children come to learn discipline is a part of life. Just because you are free to go play the rules still apply. They get over our chastening quickly. As adult we come to appreciate those moments. Often, we wander what our lives would have been like without it. As Christians God is going to chasten us. Can we learn to appreciate it the same way?  (Heb. 12:5,11)

Striving For Success

  I love to see a child strive to do exactly what they are told. It teaches adults a whole lot about effective communication. They want to get it right. Even if they have done it before they want it to be perfect. How would our lives change if we had the same attitude about keeping God’s commands?  (John 14:15)

Giving Like A Child

I cannot count how many times a child has offered or given me something. They cannot stand to see you go without and them not. They will share what they have. Yes, they go through stages of selfishness. Even then they will still give. Do I give selflessly like they do? God wants me to.  (Lk. 6:38)

A Great Trait To Mimic

It amazes me when a child does something great and acts like it is nothing. We teach them that success in certain areas is great. They learn to take pride in that success. Before that they act like it is nothing. A wining goal, touchdown, score, and basket gets over shadowed by a snack. They are so meek and humble. What a wonderful trait to have in our lives. Do we have meekness and humility as children of God that God desires?  (Matt. 5:8,18:4)

The Best Example

I do not think there is a better example of desiring to do what is right than a child. Children want to please those in authority. They want to make those over them proud. They all yearn for success in doing what is right. Do we have that same passion? We should.  (Matt. 5:6)

Never Ending Forgivness

Little children are amazing at forgiveness. They forgive and forget like it is the easiest thing on earth. They do not easily hold things against others. It takes a lot of wrong doing for a child to not forgive you. If you change it is all good again. Can we forgive they way they do? God ask us to.  (Matt. 18:21-22)

I'm Worry Free As A Child

God calls us to be like little children. This doesn’t mean we’re are to be helpless babies that are toted around by others. This means that we have their characteristics.  One awesome characteristic is not worrying. They play. They live. They serve. They obey. They go through every day and never worry about eating, clothing, housing, and any other basic need. Let us mimic this attitude no matter how hard it may be.  (Matt. 6:30-34)


Grow in understanding. Grow in your faith. Grow in grace and knowledge. Growth takes work. It can not be handed to you. As much as I would love to hand growth out like candy to my brethren I cannot. Your growth can only be achieved by you. Grow.  (1 Cor. 14:20, 16:13; 2 Pet. 3:18)

I'll Pay It

There is a cost that we pay to become a child of God. It is nothing we really need. Although, some souls die by the concept we do. We give up all malice. We give all deceit. We give up hypocrisy and envy. We give up all evil speaking. Who would want to hang on to all that rotten stuff anyway. Do not forget what we left behind and try not to pick it up again.  (1 Pet. 2:1)

God Made

The family and spiritual house we are in can only be made by God. Only God can bless us in such ways. No one else could ever even come close to building such a house. All those that try labor in vain. I would hate to be apart of anything different. I love this spiritual house. I love its Creator. I love all those that make it up. Do not reinvent the wheel. Just enjoy it and seek to grow it.  (Psalms 127:1)

Our Head

We get to be apart of this awesome family, spiritual house, because of Christ. Not only did He sacrifice everything even His last breath for us, He is our head. He guides us. He leads us. He intercedes for us. He has all the authority. We stay true by Him. Not only did He intend to save us. He intended to keep us.  (Heb. 3:6)

My Need

Without set walls or fences sheep wander. God is not going to imprison us. We do need shepherds to keep us in the boundaries of righteousness. The spiritual house we live in can go and be everywhere. This also makes us subject to attack and being lured away. God blesses us with shepherds to help us stay in this house for eternity.  (1 Pet. 5:2-6)

Forget Brick & Mortar

The house we live in is so magnificent.  It does not even need brick and mortar. That means it can go anywhere, be anywhere, hold anyone, encompasses everyone, and extend into eternity. It is capable of all of this because it is a spiritual house. God is amazing.  (1 Pet. 2:5)