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Showing posts from September, 2017

Serve or Take?

We are to serve. We live in a world that takes. Serving is easy if we can live in the world and not of it. Everyone will take what you bring them. Are you thinking more about how to serve or take?    (Gal. 5:13; Phil. 2:3; Ecc. 4:4-8)

Don't Forget

Let us not forget that we are in Christ. It can be very easy to let our lives   distract us from this thought. The most dangerous thing that can happen to you is for you to forget who you are. Always remember you are His. You are a child of God. (Eph. 2:10, 3:17; Gal. 2:20)


Transformation takes time. There are days where it seems as if everything is suddenly different. It did not just change that day. Work was necessary. Effort was made for days, weeks, months, and years in advance. Do not set around and wait for a “AHA” moment to happen in your Christian walk because it will not. Work for it and it will come. (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18)

Make It Known

We have the long-held mystery of God. We are the handlers of the truth and the gospel.(Eph. 3:4-6,10) How will it help others if we do not share it? It cannot aid a single soul if we keep it a mystery. Make the mystery known. Make it know that in Christ all mankind can be saved.


“Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” (Unknown) Wake up joyful for life and the blessings you first see with your waking eyes. I know it’s hard. Life can really be a curve ball. You are in control of the amount of joy you feel, give, and perceive in life. Let us all make up our minds to be full of joy every day. (Isaiah 61:10)

My Effort & My Interest

“Effort is the best indicator of interest.” What is getting the most effort in your life today? Is it God? Or something you have prioritized as important? Be mindful of what you are willing to exhaust yourself for. Whatever you expend effort in or for is where you will grow. (Eph. 4:16; Jam. 1:14-15) The more effort you put forth the more growth that occurs. (2 Pet. 1:5-8) Be mindful of what your effort is expended for. Don’t forget that energy is blessing and we are stewards of it.

We Are Strong

We have a God given body. (Eph. 4:4-6; Rom. 12:5) There is strength in numbers. (Ecc. 4:12) Find your strength, encouragement, and edification in the body of Christ. (Heb. 3:13) Let them hold you up. (1 Thess. 5:11) Make sure to hold your brethren up as well. (Heb. 10:24-25)

Fight Back

Fight sin. Fight the spiritual oppressors. Fight for lost souls. (Gal. 6:10-13) Our time is limited and it behooves us to fight for salvation.   Don't roll over and let sin take hold anywhere in your life.      

I Hurt

We all have times where the world is heavy on our shoulders. Sometimes that weight is quite unbearable. Do not forget to look up, around, and inward. God is bigger that this little world He created.   (Matt. 6:28-34) He saved you and can carry that weight for you. Rid yourself forevermore of all your anxious care by depositing it with the Lord and live free. (1 Pet. 5:6-7; Rom. 6:7) He will sustain you. (Ps. 55:22)

I Found You

Eventually there will be someone who will openly listen, “The Law of Averages” they call it. Who is it? I do not know. I cannot consider a crowd and tell. I can guess. You can guess as well. Does not the whole crowd deserve to hear the truth? Yes. (Acts 17:30) We are told to go and find. (Mk. 16:15-16) Who will listen and abide in Him? Only God knows. At least we can bank on the fact that one in four will listen and bear fruit. (Matt. 13:1-9,18-23)  Go and find that one today!    

Make It Right

Make whatever is going on with you and another person right before you go to God. (Matt.   5:23-24) Do not let today end without seeking to reconcile your difference with your brethren. Always remember we all want the same thing, eternal life in Heaven.


We should admit when we fall short. (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:8-10) Without admission there is no correction.   What do you need to admit to and correct today? (Ps. 19:12-14)


God expects us to set priorities in our lives. The first one ought to be Him. Matt. 6:33 makes that clear to every soul who reads His word. What does your time, contribution, devotions, and work show as your first priority?

I'm The Best

Luke 14:7-11         Sometimes we allow ourselves to be haughty. Occasionally, that self-generated high opinion causes us to be put in our place. The shame and embarrassment that comes with it is the dose humility we need. However, it could be avoided all together. God wants us to be humble servants. He then can exalt us in Christ into being saints. Also, others will see the good deeds we have done in name of the Lord and lift us up as well. Let God and others do the exalting. Stay in humility so you do not have to have the occasionally elephant size dose of it.   “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Lk. 14:11